How To Make a Delicious and Exquisite Truffle Martini

Take your martini night with this delicious recipe for the most expensive Martini in the world: the Truffle Martini. You can easily recreate this classic cocktail at home with just a few simple ingredients and some luxurious toppings!

Gather Your Ingredients

You’ll need some simple ingredients to make a Truffle Martini. These include vodka, dry vermouth, olive juice, a truffle-infused syrup, black truffle salt and your favourite truffles for topping. Get creative and use different garnishes like gold flakes or edible flowers to make it extra luxurious!

Infuse the Gin with White Truffle Oil

 To get the actual truffle experience, infuse vodka with white truffle oil. Add a tablespoon of white truffle oil to one cup of vodka and let it sit for 12 hours or more. The longer it sits, the better! If you need help finding truffle oil in stores, try looking for it online. Once the vodka has been infused, strain out any solids before mixing your Martini.

Make the Chocolate Rim or Garnish

Add a chocolate rim or garnish to the glass to garnish and enhance the flavour of your truffle martini. Mix ingredients like ¼ cup white chocolate chips and one tablespoon canola oil in a shallow bowl until they are smooth and creamy. Dip the rim of your glass into the mixture, then place it in the fridge for an hour or two before pouring in your prepared cocktail.

Shake, Strain, and Serve the Martini in a Cocktail Glass

Once the ingredients are combined in the shaker, add some ice and shake it vigorously for 10-20 seconds. Strain the Martini into chilled cocktail glasses and garnish however you like – with chocolate shavings, small pieces of truffle or simply a slice of lemon. Serve immediately and enjoy your exquisite creation!

Final Touches – Add Olives or Cherries as a Garnish

Once the Martini has been strained, you can add a few cherries or olives as a garnish to take the flavour of your cocktail to the next level. Adding these final touches will give your Truffle Martini an extra kick, making it even more delicious! Additionally, you can use a whole truffle as the garnish for a luxurious look.

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